Career Conversations   

Ready to connect to the world of work?
Explore careers with industry experts and professionals



  IBM SkillsBuild is a free education program focused on underrepresented communities in tech that helps develop valuable new skills and access career opportunities. The program includes an online platform that is complemented by customized practical learning experiences delivered in collaboration with a global network of partners.

Career Conversations offer access to industry experts and professionals for career exploration and insights with IBM SkillsBuild for Adults.


How do Career Conversations serve you?

In Career Conversations, you can discuss career topics like career choice, skills development, portfolio building, networking, and job search with professionals who are ready to share their experience. You can get valuable advice and feedback and learn from their successes and mistakes. They can also serve as your sounding board, share their insider perspective, and help you work through challenges ahead of you. Career Conversations support you in finding your direction and defining your goals.


Who are the industry professionals and experts to have Career Conversations with?

These are volunteers from IBM and partners who already have professional experience in the IT industry. IBM volunteers also often bring mentoring and/or coaching experience.

How will you find your best match?

Career Conversations is fully integrated in your journey with IBM SkillsBuild. As part of the sign up process for Career Conversations, you will be asked to share your areas of career interest in your mentoring profile. This is the basis for establishing your mentor recommendations. You can decide which mentor/coach to meet with for a career conversation.

How can SkillsBuild learners schedule a Career Conversation?

Once you have found a great match, you can simply request a mentoring session via the platform. You may also receive offers for Career Conversations from other mentors/coaches there. The session time and online tools are flexible, and you can determine what will work best with the industry expert or professional you plan to meet with.

What happens after having a Career Conversation?

A Career Conversation can be held once or you can meet in multiple sessions. Depending on your personal career needs, you can decide with whom and how often you want to meet. Please check with your mentor/coach if and how often they can meet with you.

  Ready to connect to the world of work? Sign-up for Career Conversations with IBM SkillsBuild
Check with your partner organization if they have already made Career Conversations available.