Career Conversations

Share your experience

with IBM SkillsBuild learners


Mentor/coach learners from underrepresented communities

Starting or transitioning into a new career can be very hard - especially for people from underrepresented communities in Tech. IBM SkillsBuild is a free education program that helps develop valuable new skills with access to free learning and career resources. Sharing your experiences with learners from underrepresented communities and helping them find their way makes a big difference in their career path.

Career Conversations gets you connected with SkillsBuild learners who want to benefit from the experience of industry professionals and experts in the areas of career choice, skills development, portfolio building, networking and job search. They are in the orientation process and have typically just started their learning in Data, AI, Cybersecurity, Cloud or general IT.

What you need to know

Whether or not you have experience in mentoring, coaching or career conversations with your team, we have training materials for Career Conversations with IBM SkillsBuild learners for you. They will help you understand what to expect and how to best support.

Training & Resource page


Flexible sessions and time commitment

  • You can conduct Career Conversations online or in-person.
  • Career Conversations can be a one-time session or repeated.
  • Sessions can be from 30 minutes to one hour.
  • You can specify your available dates and times.
Learning & career mentoring

Why volunteering for
Career Conversations?

MAKE real impact to the future of people from
underrepresented communities
Project mentoring

How to connect

  • Sign-up for the Career Conversations matching platform.
  • Complete your profile with as much detail as possible to be automatically matched with IBM SkillsBuild learners.
  • Choose from the list of matching learners.
  • Connect to schedule a career conversation.

Sign up 

If you would like to join as a SkillsBuild mentor, but are not an IBMer, please fill out this form.